Man Meets Wisdom

An Awesome Bottle of Wine


Thinking of Sebastopol always makes us think of wine.  We’ve had so much fun visiting the wineries, touring the vineyards, and tasting the amazing products produced in Sonoma County. It’s only fitting that the wedding ceremony itself will be held overlooking a beautiful vineyard in Sebastopol.

We’re no wine experts, or even wine snobs, but, to quote David Marzollo, “we know what we like”.  And we like 2007 Pinot Noirs from the Sonoma Coast.  Almost every time, they blow our minds.  In particular, I want to raise my glass and toast the 2007 Moshin Vineyards Pinot Noir Lot 4 Selection.  Blew my mind.

Honorable mention has to go to Ridge Vineyards 3 Valleys, a Zin-Syrah-Genache mix, which, at half the price of the Moshin Pinot, does the job every time.

Looking forward to tasting with you.

One Response to “An Awesome Bottle of Wine”

  1. […] are mostly Merlot (mixed with some Cabarnet Franc), and they are quite different from what we have back home.  These wines can be good for decades.  Most wines we bought were from  2002 or 2003, and while […]

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